Preparing Your HVAC for the Winter

It’s the most wonderful time of the year to stay warm and cozy inside! As the winter months hit, it’s important to make sure your home is prepared for the snow, ice and colder temperatures. Here are some Reader Roofing, Heating & Cooling HVAC maintenance tips to ensure your furnace runs smoothly all winter long.

Replace Air Filters

One of the most common causes of an HVAC breakdown is the buildup of dust and dirt in the filtering system.This can lead to ventilation blockage and insufficient airflow. When there is a buildup, your furnace will start to run harder than it should, which can drive up your energy bills or it can stop working altogether. Check your filters every 1-3 months to clean, or replace it with a new filter.

Check Air Vents

When giving your home a good cleaning, don’t forget to include the air vents. A dirty vent can create problems like spreading dust and mold. Simply vacuum over the vents to get rid of trapped debris and allow the warm air to flow freely. This helps to regulate temperatures and avoid creating drafts throughout your home.

Inspect Your Thermostat

Make sure your thermostat is working properly and reset it to maintain a consistent temperature throughout the day. With a programmable thermostat, you can set a time for the temperature to change when nobody is home to save on money and energy. If your thermostat stops working and it’s not hardwired in to the electrical of your home, the first thing to do is change the batteries. This usually resolves a majority of thermostat issues that we get called for.

Schedule a Clean, Tune and Safety Inspection

If you need help preparing your HVAC for the winter, contact us for guidance. Visit our site to schedule maintenance or repairs.